Canvas Support

How do I edit the Roll Call Attendance assignment?

After the first time you take roll call, Canvas automatically creates an assignment for Roll Call Attendance and adds a column to the Gradebook. By default, attendance is worth 100 points.

To avoid Attendance calculation errors, you should not delete, rename, or unpublish the Attendance assignment. If the Attendance assignment is deleted, the Roll Call tool will not be able to take attendance. Canvas will automatically create a new Attendance assignment within 15 minutes after a failed attendance attempt due to a deleted Attendance assignment.

Instructors can edit several components of the Roll Call Attendance assignment:

  • If you are using weighted assignment groups, you can create a new weighted assignment group and move the attendance assignment into that group.
  • You can edit the assignment and change the point value.
  • You can remove Attendance from the Gradebook completely by changing the assignment type.


  • The Attendance assignment will not appear until you have taken roll for at least one student.
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